Total miles: 2687 (2720)
Average miles per month: 224 (227)
Average miles per week: 52 (same)
Average miles per day: 7.4 (7.5)
Number of days off: 59 (55)
Most days off in a row: 5 (3)
Average miles per day run: 8.8 (same)
Average pace: 7:34/mi. (same)
Total number of races: 14 (19)
Number of 5k races: 2 (8)
Number of 8k races: 1 (2)
Number of 10k races: 3 (3)
Number of 10-mile races: 2 (1)
Number of half marathons: 3 (1)
Number of full marathons: 1 (1)
I set new all-time PR's at each of these distances:
5k - 17:58 on 1/6/13 (18:25)
8k - 30:13 on 3/10/13 (30:30)
10k - 37:23 on 4/21/13 (37:48)
10 miles - 1:02:49 on 10/20/13 (1:04:42)
Half marathon - 1:24:39 on 9/14/13 (1:26:34)
Marathon - 3:06:26 on 11/17/13 (3:12:17)
So I trained about the same amount and improved a little at every distance. Remarkably, my modest PR's at two of the three shorter distances were set in the spring on little training after injuring my hip last January. I trained, raced, and improved more at the three longer distances in the fall. That training cycle in roughly the latter half of the year was my hardest and smartest yet. It balanced out the lighter first half of the year to bring my yearly averages roughly even to last year. I ran many fewer 5k's this year compared with 2012, mainly because of that hip injury.
Average miles per month: 224 (227)
Average miles per week: 52 (same)
Average miles per day: 7.4 (7.5)
Number of days off: 59 (55)
Most days off in a row: 5 (3)
Average miles per day run: 8.8 (same)
Average pace: 7:34/mi. (same)
Total number of races: 14 (19)
Number of 5k races: 2 (8)
Number of 8k races: 1 (2)
Number of 10k races: 3 (3)
Number of 10-mile races: 2 (1)
Number of half marathons: 3 (1)
Number of full marathons: 1 (1)
I set new all-time PR's at each of these distances:
5k - 17:58 on 1/6/13 (18:25)
8k - 30:13 on 3/10/13 (30:30)
10k - 37:23 on 4/21/13 (37:48)
10 miles - 1:02:49 on 10/20/13 (1:04:42)
Half marathon - 1:24:39 on 9/14/13 (1:26:34)
Marathon - 3:06:26 on 11/17/13 (3:12:17)
So I trained about the same amount and improved a little at every distance. Remarkably, my modest PR's at two of the three shorter distances were set in the spring on little training after injuring my hip last January. I trained, raced, and improved more at the three longer distances in the fall. That training cycle in roughly the latter half of the year was my hardest and smartest yet. It balanced out the lighter first half of the year to bring my yearly averages roughly even to last year. I ran many fewer 5k's this year compared with 2012, mainly because of that hip injury.