Daily details:
Mo: 6.5
Tu: 8
We: 10
Th: 7
Fr: 6 x 1 mile in 6:31, 24, 17, 16, 09, 5:59 with 3 min. recoveries
Sa: 8
Su: 15
Week total: 66
My last full week in the US before heading to Italy saw some of the nicest August weather in the DC area for ages. I was lucky that the nicest morning of all, which felt almost Fall-like, was on Friday, when I had mile repeats on the schedule. I enjoyed running them not only in the fantastic weather but also on my favorite trail around a lake instead of on the track. The heat and humidity are on the rise again now, as is the general stress level in my household as we run around tying up lose ends and getting ready to leave in a few days for four months. I've doubled my mileage in six weeks now and will finally get a recovery week next week as we travel and begin adapting to Rome. My body is still holding up well, though I'm ready for a lighter week before continuing to push harder. Just a short entry this week (and maybe the next), but I hope to be more expansive about my experiences running in Italy soon.
Mo: 6.5
Tu: 8
We: 10
Th: 7
Fr: 6 x 1 mile in 6:31, 24, 17, 16, 09, 5:59 with 3 min. recoveries
Sa: 8
Su: 15
Week total: 66
My last full week in the US before heading to Italy saw some of the nicest August weather in the DC area for ages. I was lucky that the nicest morning of all, which felt almost Fall-like, was on Friday, when I had mile repeats on the schedule. I enjoyed running them not only in the fantastic weather but also on my favorite trail around a lake instead of on the track. The heat and humidity are on the rise again now, as is the general stress level in my household as we run around tying up lose ends and getting ready to leave in a few days for four months. I've doubled my mileage in six weeks now and will finally get a recovery week next week as we travel and begin adapting to Rome. My body is still holding up well, though I'm ready for a lighter week before continuing to push harder. Just a short entry this week (and maybe the next), but I hope to be more expansive about my experiences running in Italy soon.