Jan. 5-11
Mo: 5
Tu: off
We: 7
Th: 6
Fr: 7
Sa: off
Su: 10
Week total: 35
Jan. 12-18
Mo: off
Tu: 10 x 40 seconds hill repeats
We: 7
Th: 3 x (3, 2, 1 min.) hilly fartlek with equal recoveries
Fr: off
Sa: 7
Su: 11.5
Week total: 41
Jan. 19-25
Mo: 6
Tu: 3 x (60, 40, 20 seconds) hill repeats
We: 7
Th: (5, 4, 3), (4, 3, 2), (3, 2, 1) min. hilly fartlek with half recoveries
Fr: 7
Sa: off
Su: 13
Week total: 48
Jan. 26 - Feb.1
Mo: off
Tu: 8 x 60 seconds hill repeats
We: 7
Th: 2 x (1, 2, 3, 4 min.) hilly fartlek with half recoveries (before ice stopped me)
Fr: off
Sa: 6
Su: 10 mile tempo @ 6:45 pace
Week total: 42
After the Pisa Marathon, I returned to the US the next day, sick and sore. Two weeks later, I started running again in preparation for my next goal race: the Boston Marathon on April 20. January was spent building a base emphasizing hill repeats and hilly fartleks, while slowly building up the long run again and culminating in a 10 mile marathon-pace tempo. Though I'm not in great shape yet, my form is coming along and I'm ready to begin doing some harder workouts in February. This time around I plan to take advantage of being back in the Washington area by doing several shorter races leading up to Boston. At this point my plan is to start with a low-key rust-buster next weekend: the DC Road Runner's Langley 8k, which will be my first race shorter than a marathon since last May. Three weeks after that I'll do the St. Patrick's 10k on March 1, followed by the Rock 'n Roll DC Half Marathon two weeks later on March 14. If I manage to avoid getting sick or injured, as I did each of the previous three winters, then early Spring should be a lot of fun on the racing front. After Boston, depending on how my recovery goes, I may focus for a short time on 5k-10k speed before shifting back to longer distances in advance of a Fall marathon. That's my thinking now, anyway.
Mo: 5
Tu: off
We: 7
Th: 6
Fr: 7
Sa: off
Su: 10
Week total: 35
Jan. 12-18
Mo: off
Tu: 10 x 40 seconds hill repeats
We: 7
Th: 3 x (3, 2, 1 min.) hilly fartlek with equal recoveries
Fr: off
Sa: 7
Su: 11.5
Week total: 41
Jan. 19-25
Mo: 6
Tu: 3 x (60, 40, 20 seconds) hill repeats
We: 7
Th: (5, 4, 3), (4, 3, 2), (3, 2, 1) min. hilly fartlek with half recoveries
Fr: 7
Sa: off
Su: 13
Week total: 48
Jan. 26 - Feb.1
Mo: off
Tu: 8 x 60 seconds hill repeats
We: 7
Th: 2 x (1, 2, 3, 4 min.) hilly fartlek with half recoveries (before ice stopped me)
Fr: off
Sa: 6
Su: 10 mile tempo @ 6:45 pace
Week total: 42
After the Pisa Marathon, I returned to the US the next day, sick and sore. Two weeks later, I started running again in preparation for my next goal race: the Boston Marathon on April 20. January was spent building a base emphasizing hill repeats and hilly fartleks, while slowly building up the long run again and culminating in a 10 mile marathon-pace tempo. Though I'm not in great shape yet, my form is coming along and I'm ready to begin doing some harder workouts in February. This time around I plan to take advantage of being back in the Washington area by doing several shorter races leading up to Boston. At this point my plan is to start with a low-key rust-buster next weekend: the DC Road Runner's Langley 8k, which will be my first race shorter than a marathon since last May. Three weeks after that I'll do the St. Patrick's 10k on March 1, followed by the Rock 'n Roll DC Half Marathon two weeks later on March 14. If I manage to avoid getting sick or injured, as I did each of the previous three winters, then early Spring should be a lot of fun on the racing front. After Boston, depending on how my recovery goes, I may focus for a short time on 5k-10k speed before shifting back to longer distances in advance of a Fall marathon. That's my thinking now, anyway.