WEEKLY SUMMARY (March 24-30): 51 miles (88% easy and 12% tempo paces)
Sunday: 8.4 miles at 7:12/mi.
Monday: off
Tuesday: 8.3 miles at 7:15/mi.
Wednesday: 4 miles at 7:29/mi.
Thursday: 3 E, 3 x 2 miles T averaging 6:14/mi. (2 min.), 1.3 E (10.3 miles total)
Friday: 7 miles at 7:25/mi.
Saturday: 13 miles at 7:14/mi.
This week went well in spite of a dud run on Wednesday, when I misjudged how hungry I was before setting out to run in the afternoon. On Sunday I intended to increase some of my easy runs to 8 miles from a typical 7 recently, but I ran too far because I was feeling good and forgot to turn around. Then I did the same thing again on Tuesday, apparently having established a pattern. Thursday's tempo run was great. I hadn't done more than 2 x 2 mile tempos for a long time, and when I had done more in the distant past it was at a slower pace. But after 2 x 2 miles I felt fine, even though it was a windy day, and I didn't feel any different after 3 x 2 miles. Clearly I could have kept going or run that distance faster. This workout has caused me to lower my goal for next weekend's Cherry Blossom 10-miler to sub-62 minutes, which is 6:12/mi. pace. With some more time I think I could realistically aim to run sub-60, but trying to run faster now would probably just lead to a blow-up. I added some more races to my Spring schedule, though, since my hip seems strong and I feel like I'm just starting to get into shape. So I'll have more opportunities to try to run faster soon at various distances. Next week, although I should rest up some for Cherry Blossom, I want to do another track workout (maybe on Tuesday) for the sake of the 10k two weeks later. This time I was thinking of trying a slightly shorter interval distance - 5 x 1k (600m) - in order to help me speed up the pace. Then I'll do a stretch of slow, easy days before Cherry Blossom, and my weekly mileage might be slightly lower if I don't do a medium-long run. The week after next I'll try to increase the mileage another notch to the mid-upper 50's and gradually lengthen my medium-long or long run proportionately (keeping it around 25% of weekly mileage). For some reason I arbitrarily call runs longer than 10 miles "medium-long" and only runs longer than 2 hours "long." If I do keep my longish runs at or around 25% of weekly mileage, which is also an arbitrary number, then at my current paces I'll have to get back into the mid-upper 60's before doing "long" runs again.
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